




山下 知子

Yamashita Tomoko

職位 助教
学位 博士(工学)
担当科目 大学入門講座
専門分野 生体医工学


研究課題 スマートデバイスを用いた身体機能計測機器の開発と評価指標の構築
主な研究業績 【原著論文】
1. Yamashita T, Yamashita K, Sato M, Ata S. Improvement of postural control in the frail older adults through foot care: A pre and post-intervention study. Med Eng Phys. 2024; 125: 1-6.
2. Sato M, Yamashita T, Okazaki D, Asada H, Yamashita K. Valid Indicators for Predicting Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults Under Ongoing Exercise Intervention to Prevent Care Requirement. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine. 2024; 10: 1-8.
3. Yamashita T, Yamashita K, Sato M, Hananouchi T, Kawasumi M, Ata S. Evaluation of hallux valgus using rotation moment of midfoot by three-dimensional foot: a cross-sectional observational study. Adv Biomed Eng. 2023; 12: 154-162.
4. Yamashita T, Yamashita K, Sato M, Ata S. Effect of COVID-19 on the Activity Level of Elderly people with Dementia. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Bio Soc. 2023; 7: 1-4.
5. Yamashita T, Yamashita K, Sato M, Ata S. Differences in Foot Features Between Children and Older Adults Assessed using a Three-Dimensional Foot Scanning System: A Cross-Sectional Observational Study. Adv Biomed Eng. 2022; 11: 172-178.
6. Yamashita T, Yamashita K, Sato M, Kawasumi M, Ata S. Analysis of skeletal characteristics of flat feet using three-dimensional foot scanner and digital footprint. BioMed Eng Online. 2022; 21(1): 56.
7. Yamashita T, Yamashita K, Shimizu Y, Kawasumi M, Kagawa T, Ata S. Coronavirus disease pandemic’s impact on the step count of community-dwelling adults in Japan: A prospective cohort study. ライフサポート学会誌. 2022; 34(2): 34-38.
8. Yamashita T, Yamashita K, Sato M, Kawasumi M, Ata S. Foot-surface-structure analysis using a smartphone-based 3D foot scanner. Med Eng Phys. 2021; 95: 90-96.
9. Yamashita K, Yamashita T, Sato M, Inoue M, Takase Y. The Effects of an 18-Month Walking Habit Intervention on Reducing the Medical Costs of Diabetes, Hypertension, and Hyperlipidemia—A Prospective Study. Adv Biomed Eng. 2020; 9: 117-124.
10. Yamashita T, Yamashita K, Sato M, Takase Y. Effect of walking on depression prevalence for diabetes using information communication technology: Prospective study. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2019; 19(11): 1147-1152.
11. Yamashita T, Yamashita K, Takase Y. Foot care to improve physical function and prevent falling of frail elderly adults with and without dementia. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Bio Soc. 2019; 321-324.
12. Yamashita K, Yamashita T, Sato M, Kawasumi M, Takase Y. Development of a quantitative measurement system for three-dimensional analysis of foot morphology using a smartphone. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Bio Soc. 2019; 3171-3174.
13. Yamashita K, Miyabe S, Yamashita T, Kusuda K, Eba D, Tanaka K, et al. Corrosion Generation and Cleaning Effect on Surgical Instruments with Attached Radiofrequency Identification Tags in Long-Term Usage. Surg Infec(Larchmt). 2019; 20(8): 665-671.
14. Yamashita T, Yamashita K, Rinoie C, Takase Y, Sato M, Yamada K, et al. Improvements in lower-limb muscle strength and foot pressure distribution with foot care in frail elderly adults: a randomized controlled trial from Japan. BMC Geriatr. 2019; 19(1): 83.
15. Yamashita K, Anzai E, Yamashita T, Ohta Y, Sato M, Ino S, et al. Reduction in Fall Risk and Medical Cost with Foot Care in the Elderly. Adv Biomed Eng. 2017; 6: 83-87.


IEEE EMBS,日本生体医工学会,ITヘルスケア学会,ライフサポート学会,日本フットケア・足病医学会

