




唐澤 久美子

Kumiko Karasawa

職位 教授
学位 博士(医学)
担当科目 臨床医学Ⅰ・Ⅱ、解剖生理学実験、管理栄養士演習
専門分野 放射線腫瘍学


研究課題 乳癌の重粒子線治療、乳がん術後の寡分割照射法、高齢者に対するがん放射線療法、小型陽子線治療装置の開発、難治性心室性不整脈に対する放射線療法
主な研究業績 1. Karasawa K, Omatsu T, Shiba S, Irie D, Wakatsuki M, Fukuda S. A Clinical study of curative partial breast irradiation for stage I breast cancer using carbon ion radiotherapy. Radiat Oncol. 2020;15(1):265-73.
2. Karasawa K, Omatsu T, Arakawa A, Yamamoto N, Ishikawa T, Saito M, et.al. A Phase I clinical trial of carbon ion radiotherapy for Stage I breast cancer: clinical and pathological evaluation. Radiat Res. 2019;60(3):342-47
3. Karasawa K, Kunogi H, Hirai T, Hojo H, Hirowatari H, Izawa H, Iet.al. Comparison between Hypofractionated and Conventionally Fractionated Whole-breast Irradiation in Early Breast Cancer Patients: A Single Institutional Study of 1,098 Patients. Breast Cancer 21(4):402-8, 2014
4. Karasawa K, Wakatsuki M, Kato S, Kiyohara H, Kamada T, the Working Group for Gynecological Tumors. Clinical Trial of Carbon Ion Radiotherapy for Gynecological Melanoma. J Radiat Res 2014;55(2):343-50
5. Karasawa K, Kunogi H, Hirai T, Hoji H, Hirowatari H, Izawa H, et.al. Radiotherapy with fraction size of 2.25 Gy in T1-2 laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer. J Radiat Res 2013; 54(4):684-9.
6. Karasawa K, Matsumoto F, Ito S, Oba S, Furuya T, Hirowatari H, et al. Hyperfractionated radiotherapy with concurrent docetaxel in advanced head and neck cancer: a phase II study. Anticancer Res 2012;32(9):4013-8.
7. Karasawa K, Saito M, Hirowatari H, Izawa H, Furuya T, Ozawa S, et al.The role of chemoradiotherapy in patients with unresectable T4 breast tumors. Breast Cancer 2013; 20:254-61.
8. Karasawa K, Horikawa N, Kawase E, Seki K, Kohno M, Shinoda H, et al. Assessment of Psychological Responses in Patients about to Receive Radiotherapy. Radiat Med 2005; 23:478-84.
9. Karasawa K, Mitsumori M, Yamauchi C, Gomi K, Kataoka M, Uematsu T, et al. Treatment outcome of breast-conserving therapy in patients with positive or close resection margins: Japanese multi institute survey for radiation dose effect. Breast Cancer 2005; 12:91-8.
10. Karasawa K, Shinoda H, Katsui K, Seki K, Kohno M, Hanyu N, Nasu S, et al, Induction Chemotherapy followed by hyperfractionated radiotherapy with concurrent chemotherapy for locally advanced head and neck cancer. Anticancer Res. 2003; 23:5031-6.
11. Karasawa K, Obara T, Shimizu T, Haga S, Okamoto T, Ito Y, et al. Outcome of Breast-Conserving Therapy in the Tokyo Women’s Medical University Breast Cancer Society Experience. Breast Cancer 2003;10(4):341-8.
12. Karasawa K, Katsui K, Seki K, Kohno M, Hanyu N, Nasu S, et al. Radiotherapy with concurrent docetaxel for advanced and recurrent breast cancer. Breast Cancer. 2003; 10:268-74.
13. Karasawa K, Sasaki T, Okawa T, Takahashi T, Hayakawa K, Ohizumi Y, et al. Clinical investigation: Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of quality of life radiation therapy instrument (QOL-RTI) for Japanese patients with head and neck malignancies. J Oncol Manag. 2003;12:18-24.
14. Karasawa K, Shinoda H, Katsui K, Seki K, Kohno M, Hanyu N,et al. Radiotherapy with concurrent docetaxel and carboplatin for head and neck cancer. Anticancer Res 2002; 22:3785-8.


日本放射線腫瘍学会、日本医学放射線学会、日本癌治療学会、日本乳癌学会、日本医学物理学会、American Society for Radiation Oncology、日本がんサポーティブケア学会、日本粒子線治療臨床研究会 など

