




有吉 洸希

Koki Ariyoshi

職位 講師
学位 医学博士(東京大学)
担当科目 基礎医学実習.医用機器学.医用機器学実習.呼吸療法装置学実.
専門分野 人工臓器


研究課題 小児用人工心臓の開発 体内埋め込み式人工腎臓の開発
主な研究業績 【英文論文】
1. Yusuke Inoue, Itsuro Saito, Takashi Isoyama, Hidemoto Nakagawa, Toshiya Ono, Kohei Ishii, Koki Ariyoshi, Emiko Nakano, Kou Imachi, Yusuke Abe. Development of an Implantable Small Observation Camera with Scaffold Chamber for Angiogenesis. World Congress 2012 Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Proceedings 2013 Jan:1961-4.

2. Abe Y, Ishii K, Isoyama T, Saito I, Inoue Y, Sato M, Hara S, Hosoda K, Ariyoshi K, Nakagawa H, Ono T, Fukazawa K, Ishihara K, Imachi K. The helical flow total artificial heart: implantation in goats. Proc 35th Ann Intern Conf IEEE EMBS 2013 Jul:2720-3.

3. Isoyama T, Ariyoshi K, Nii K, Saito I, Fukunaga K, Inoue Y, Ono T, Ishii K, Hara S, Imachi K, Takai M, Abe Y. Emergency Life Support System aiming preprimed oxygenator. Proc 35th Ann Intern Conf IEEE EMBS 2013 Jul:5731-4.

4. Ishii K, Hosoda K, Isoyama T, Saito I, Ariyoshi K, Inoue Y, Sato M, Hara S, lee X, Wu S, Ono T, Nakagawa H, Imachi K, Abe Y. Pulsatile Driving of the Helical Flow Pump. Proc 35th Ann Intern Conf IEEE EMBS 2013 Jul:2724-7.

5. Wu S-Y, Saito I, Isoyama T, Inoue Y, Ishii K, Sato M, Hara S, Hosoda K, Ariyoshi K, Li X, Nakagawa H, Ono T, Abe Y. Relation between Left Atrial Pressure and the Corresponding Pulse Pressure in the Helical Flow Total Artificial Heart. Proc 35th Ann Intern Conf IEEE EMBS 2013 Jul:671-4.

6. Abe Y, Isoyama T, Saito I, Inoue Y, Ishii K, Sato M, Hara S, Yurimoto T, Li X, Murakami H, Ariyoshi K, Kawase Y, Ono T, Fukazawa K, Ishihara K. Computational fluid dynamics analysis of the pump parameters in the helical flow pump. Artif Organs 2014 Mar;17(1):9-15.

7. Ishii K, Hosoda K, Nishida M, Isoyama T, Saito I, Ariyoshi K, Inoue Y, Ono T, Nakagawa H, Sato M, Hara S, Lee X, Wu S, Imachi K, Abe Y. Hydrodynamic characteristics of the helical flow pump. J Artif Organs 2015 Mar;18(3)P206-12

8. Abe Y, Isoyama T, Saito I, Inoue Y, Ishii K, Sato M, Hara S, Yurimoto T, Li X, Murakami H, Ariyoshi K, Kawase Y, Ono T, Fukazawa K, Ishihara K. Animal experiments of the helical flow total artificial heart. Artif Organs 2015 Aug;39(8):670-80.

9. Ariyoshi K, Hara S, Isoyama T, Yurimoto T, Abe Y. High pressure-type rotary blood pump with a new principle. Advanced Biomedical Engineering 2018 P141-145.

1. 臨床工学技士になるには(専門学校での学び担当) ぺりかん社P132-133 
2. 第33回臨床工学技士国家試験問題解説集(医用機器安全管理学担当) へるす出版P132-139




